Psychology at the University of Münster, Germany The Master of Science (M.Sc.) The internip has tsh o be in Psychology at the University of Münster requires the students to experience 12 weeks of practical psychological work. Universität Hamburg enjoys another resounding success with the German Research Foundation (DFG) DFG has approved and will fund all 4 research training groups (RTGs) to the tune of €19.3 million in total. Dear Students, If you are reading this, you are either interested in the MA International Business and Sustainability (MIBAS) at Universität Hamburg or you have indeed already opted for this program.Thank you! In the master’s program in Politics, Economics und Philosophy (PEP), you learn to analyze individual and collective decision-making processes in order to solve problems in the areas of politics, corporate governance or international relations later on. The MIBAS is an English taught, two-year degree program that prepares you to take on challenging positions in multinational companies and organisations. [email protected] 28.06.2017 Requirements of practical work experience within the M.Sc. Le cycle de Master, qui fait suite au cycle de Bachelor, permet d'approfondir les connaissances, de se spécialiser dans un domaine particulier ou d'acquérir une formation interdisciplinaire.. Dans le système de Bologne, ce deuxième cycle dure 3 à 4 semestres (90-120 crédits ECTS), suivant le programme choisi. Hamburg Research Academy Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability Museums and collections University Archives (in German) All academic institutions Regional Computing Center (RRZ) Berufsorientierendes Praktikum Die Voraussetzungen und Bestimmungen für das 12-wöchige berufsorientierende Praktikum im Masterstudiengang sind identisch zu denen im Bachelorstudiengang. Eine Genehmigung des Praktikums vor Praktikumsbeginn ist bei … Groupe d’Echange - Stages Master (Psychologie) Les étudiant-e-s en Master de Psychologie ayant terminé ou effectué une grande partie de leur stage participent à une rencontre de deux heures.