List of the greatest directors in movie history, who are most deserving of Academy Awards and critical recognition. Even in a year where the directing Oscar went to a woman for the first time, female filmmakers still don't receive the recognition that their male counterparts do. The list includes directors who have already won major awards, those who continue to have the potential to win Oscars and filmmakers who were overlooked by the Academy during their lifetimes. One of the great film from Tom Hanks, there is ugly face of everyone, God forgive people who admit their fault and that is true. Such emotional when Paul (Tom Hanks) and his fello Ozu is best known for Tokyo Story, a poignant film about inter-generational tensions and alienation that is widely considered a masterpiece.Ozu used a suite of idiosyncratic, sometimes rule-breaking visual techniques that reflected the everyday nature of his subjects while … We look at the top women directors and their films, including the two best-reviewed live-action films of the summer.