Alphonso Davies performs Brooklyn 99/Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way" (x-Post from r/soccer) Alphonso Davies: Viraler Hit mit Backstreet-Boys-Parodie Alphonso Davies Perform "I Want It That Way" - Backstreet Boys (Tiktok) - Duration: 0:56. FC Bayern Vine 38,085 views. Alphonso Davies: Viral hit with Backstreet Boys parody. I want a 3 way - Duration: 0:12. nateflix Recommended for you. Davies, who already made a lot of laughs by imitating soccer cheers, produced the clip using the video … Alphonso Davies has had a roller coaster experience since moving to Bayern Munich.Since he was eligible to play with the Rekordmeister in January, he has gone from the ups of scoring a goal in the Bundesliga to the downs of suffering an injury and being sent to play with the reserves in the Regionalliga.Davies sat down with and spoke about his time so far in Munich. In it, a murder witness failed to see the man responsible for the crime but could hear them singing ‘I Want it That Way’ by the Backstreet Boys as they committed the act. FC Bayern Vine 40,052 views. 0:56. «I want it that way» – Bayern-Verteidiger Alphonso Davies «singt» auf Tiktok und begeistert damit das Internet. The Bayern Munich full-back, 19, demonstrated his formidable acting skills by lip-syncing his way through the whole of a police line-up scene from "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." "I want it that way": Bayern-Star Alphonso Davies mit grandioser Backstreet-Boys-Parodie imago images/MIS Alphonso Davies ist beim FC Bayern München mittlerweile Publikumsliebling. Alphonso Davies has made a strong play to be named soccer's king of TikTok with his latest viral effort. Mit einer Parodie des Songs „I want it that way“ der Backstreet Boys landete er einen viralen Internet-Hit. 0:56. The cop asks a line-up of suspects to each sing a few lines from the song so the witness can identify the murderer, a scene that Davies mimicked superbly. Bayern Munich defender Alphonso Davies’ one-man re-enactment of a classic “Brooklyn Nine Nine” scene is all you need to see today… Alphonso Davies Perform "I Want It That Way" - Backstreet Boys (Tiktok) - Duration: 0:56. With a parody of the song "I want it that way" by the Backstreet Boys, he landed a viral internet hit.